We need you.



Her screams shook the ground and barn doors.

She was known to the Ohio dairy farm simply as cow 3761.

No name. Not an individual. Just a milk machine.

"We stab 'em with a pitchfork," said Billy Joe, one of the farmworkers who made a sport out of beating 3761 and other cows.

3761 was gentle, curious, and even playful. But such a nature only frustrated dairy workers who wanted her to keep her head down and cooperate. 

One afternoon, Billy Joe violently hit 3761 with a crowbar on her sensitive face. He struck her 42 times. Then he shoved his finger in her eye.

All she could do was cry.

Thankfully, a Mercy For Animals undercover investigator was there—hidden camera rolling. The farm was raided. Billy Joe was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail time for what he did.

But 3761 isn't alone. She's one of millions of cows trapped in the dairy industry. They suffer and die behind closed doors. They have few allies, little protection, and little hope.

But Mercy For Animals is changing all this. With you by our side, we are bringing hope to animals like 3761.

Our brave undercover investigators shine a light on the dark, abuse-ridden factory farms where animals like 3761 endure nothing but misery.

Our team of lawyers and advocates help pass landmark legal protections that reduce suffering for millions of animals each year. Our campaigners push major food companies, like Walmart and McDonald's, to get hens out of cruel cages and mother pigs out of restrictive crates.

This work matters.

But it happens only because of you.

John, please make a special donation right now—on #GivingTuesday—to support Mercy For Animals' vital work. A kind donor has agreed to TRIPLE match all donations today, up to $200,000. That's right—for every $1 you donate, Mercy For Animals will receive $3.

This is a rare opportunity to make three times the impact.

For animals like 3761.

As founder of Mercy For Animals and board chair, I know firsthand the impact your support has.

For the past 20 years we've worked to build a compassionate and just food system, a system where animals like 3761, who feel love, joy, sadness, and pain, are treated with respect. In the past two decades we have made monumental strides toward this shared goal.

But our work isn't done. Until the last animal is free from the torments of factory farming, Mercy For Animals will be here pushing for change.

Please stand up for animals with us. Make a generous donation right now. If you give before midnight tonight, your gift will be TRIPLED—yes tripledby a generous supporter.

Animals like 3761 are innocent and vulnerable.

We can't let them down.

With gratitude, 
Milo Runkle
Founder and Board Chair

P.S. Please help animals like 3761 today. Donate before MIDNIGHT, and your gift will be TRIPLED. Click here to donate now.

8033 SUNSET BLVD, SUITE 864 | LOS ANGELES, CA 90046 | 866.632.6446