QUICK REQUEST: Chip in $5 now to help Josh stay in Washington working hard for Garden Staters. >>>

Want to know what Josh’s priorities are?

Just take a look at his record.

  • Josh is actively working to lower taxes for North Jersey residents, and had led legislation to reinstate the State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT) Act, to help claw our tax dollars back to NJ from the Moocher States.
  • Josh is fighting tooth-and-nail for the completion of the Gateway Tunnel project, and to get lead out of our children’s drinking water.
  • And you better believe he’s voted for common-sense gun violence protection measures and always will, not to mention standing by our vets and first responders.

Josh is a prime target for extremists on both sides of the aisle. No one likes an independent thinker when everyone is telling you to just go with the status quo.

That’s why we need your help now. Chip in $5 or more to help Josh keep this seat. We have a HUGE end-of-quarter deadline coming up and we have a lot to raise before then. Help Josh keep this seat in 2020 >>>

Or a custom donation >>

Thank you,
Gottheimer Outreach Team





Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress

Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress
PO Box 584
Ridgewood NJ 07451 United States