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BREAKING: Democrats LOSE – Republicans Cheering

>> Read The Full Article Here <<

BREAKING: Cuomo Gets NAILED – He’s Done

>> Read The Full Article Here <<


We're now less than FOUR months away from the most important election of this generation, and the radical left s doing everything in it's power to tear America apart at it's seams.

As we speak, far-left Democrats, ANTIFA, and the mainstream media are joining forces to try and REMOVE President Trump from office and prevent his second term.

The truth no longer matters... only their violent revenge.

That's why Patriots all across the country are FINALLY starting to stand up for the truth!

We're doubling down with our commitment to the President by showing him WE HAVE HIS BACK!

We need all hands on deck aboard TEAM TRUMP - just like we did when we won 2016!

Will you add your name to the TEAM TRUMP roster? We're gathering signatures from thousands of Patriots from every part of America to stand in solidarity with our President.

We're kicking off Phase 2 of the Victory 2020 strategy and it's critical we have you standing with us. Will you confirm your support right now?


Rioters are burning down our businesses... ANTIFA militants are taking over ENITRE BLOCKS of cities... and the media is running cover for all of it!

Their plan is crystal clear - keep pouring gasoline on the fire until the whole thing explodes in chaos.

Right now it's more critical than ever - we only have a few months left to get EVERYONE on board with TEAM TRUMP and rally to victory in November.

Every last signature counts.

It's time to put words into action... it's tim to WIN.

But we can't do it without you, we have to stand together.

If we let them demoralize us, we will lose. So let's NEVER let that happen.

We need to get another 10,593 signatures in the next 72 hours in order to make the difference and show the world: President Trump HAS OUR SUPPORT!

Please, add your name to this National Petition, and together's lets keep President Trump in the White House and leading this great nation!



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 Patriot Uproar
651 N Broad St, Suite 205 #1146
Middletown , DE 19709

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