Help power Jewish efforts on the ground in Georgia



We're more than halfway to our goal of raising $10,000 to help win the two Georgia Senate runoffs — and a Senate majority that will act to keep all of us safe and free, no matter what we look like or where we come from.


We hope you’ll read our email below, and pitch in right now to support our Atlanta leaders and campaign staff to mobilize Jewish and swing voters for Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock.


In solidarity,

The Bend the Arc team


Dear Friend,


Today is Giving Tuesday for many organizations. But here at Bend the Arc it’s Georgia Tuesday, because we’re a month away from January 5 — the end of voting in the two Georgia Senate run-off elections, and the day we’re going to tip the balance of power in the Senate.


We know the stakes in these two Senate races are incredibly high, and we know that we can win both of them so we can pass Covid relief, strengthen our democracy, and build a country for all of us. We already helped turn Georgia blue in November — pitch in now to do it again.

Local Bend the Arc leaders in Atlanta are working hard to mobilize Jews to turn out for Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock and win a new future for Georgians and all of us — and we need your help to power their work into every corner of Georgia.


Our goal is to raise $10,000 today to help fund our effort to mobilize Georgia voters ahead of the Senate runoff elections. Help us reach our goal — and Jewish voters in Georgia — with a gift of $18 today.


Georgia already made history this year, by voting blue for the first time since 1992. This election cycle alone, Bend the Arc volunteers made hundreds of thousands of calls and texts to swing voters in Georgia. And our campaign team ran ads emphasizing the connection between our Jewish values of social justice and the importance of voting.


Now, with all eyes on Georgia, we have the chance to do it again: by electing both Georgia’s first Jewish U.S. Senator and the Reverend carrying on MLK’s legacy in one fell swoop.


Since 2016, Bend the Arc leaders in Atlanta have been building power and organizing for justice — immigrant justice, racial justice, and now, to elect Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock to the Senate.


In the general election, this work included this “Jews for Warnock” video to help Warnock win a spot in the runoff and inspire Jews in Georgia:


Watch our video “Jews for Warnock” & help us reach more Georgia Jews in the coming weeks.


And our leaders volunteered for Jon Ossoff starting in 2017 — so we’re more than ready to help flip the Senate by electing two leaders who share our values.


Your gift of $18 today will help us reach Jewish and swing voters in Georgia who are crucial to winning this race.


We already defeated Trump. Now let’s defeat Trumpism in the Senate. We know we have the people power, vision, and moral clarity to win.


Thank you for your partnership in this moment, and beyond.


In solidarity,


The Bend the Arc Team


PS: There are just a few weeks left to win the two Georgia Senate runoffs and build a Senate that will act to keep everyone safe and free, no matter what we look like or where we come from. Your gift of $18 today will power our campaign on the ground and online to cut through the noise and make sure we win on January 5.


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