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TheBecketFund for religious liberty
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Giving Tuesday 2020
         A Message from Becket's Executive Director
                                                                                                                             December 1, 2020

Dear Friends,


This has been an exceptional year, filled with the pandemic, the election, social unrest, and more. Thankfully, it has also been an exceptional year for religious freedom.


In the past six months, our team at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty has won two Supreme Court cases in one day, argued another Supreme Court case a few months later, and at midnight last Wednesday, won another request for emergency protection from the Supreme Court. FOUR matters before the Supreme Court in one year ... and countless other cases in between.


These remarkable victories are thanks to your generosity and support. COVID may have "paused" the world, but it only increased the need for our work defending and protecting religious liberty across the country. So I'd like to ask you, will you include Becket in your tax-deductible #GivingTuesday donations?


At the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, defending liberty means taking one Supreme Court case at a time, or sometimes four in one year, and giving voice to those who bravely take a stand to protect their freedoms and yours:

Sharonell Fulton and Toni Simms-Busch are two single women of color who have dedicated their lives to fostering and adopting at-risk children. They're courageously defending their faith-based foster-care agency, Catholic Social Services, at the Supreme Court from being shut down by the City of Philadelphia for its beliefs about marriage;

The Little Sisters of the Poor who won - again! - their case at the Supreme Court this summer, defending religious exemptions for people of all faiths;


A Seventh-day Adventist who lost his job for observing the Sabbath but wants to protect others from being discriminated against as he was and is waiting for the Supreme Court to take his case;


An independent contractor in Idaho forced to choose between violating his deeply held religious beliefs or losing his livelihood;


Synagogues, religious schools, and churches around the country that are being singled out by their governors for unequal treatment in lockdown orders, even though they have great safety records and successfully protected their communities while protecting their First Amendment right to worship and teach the faith to the next generation;


A Catholic school in Los Angeles named after Our Lady of Guadalupe that defended in the Supreme Court its right to choose who is qualified to pass on the faith and won!


These, and the many other cases at the Becket Fund, are the stories of individual courage that make up our robust American tradition of religious freedom. Our clients, brave Americans just like you, are the reason the Becket Fund is the first-ever non-profit law firm to be placed on the National Law Journal's "Hot List" for its "success before the U.S. Supreme Court and federal appeals courts."


But three Supreme Court victories in one year aren't enough. There are governors around the country denying synagogues and churches, and people of faith, their God-given right to religious freedom. There are students at public universities getting kicked off campus for their religious beliefs. There are doctors, nurses, and hospitals that are being threatened for refusing to promote assisted suicide, abortion, or gender-transition therapy and surgery for children as young as 12.


We have much to be thankful for, but still more to do.


This #GivingTuesday, please consider a gift to Becket to help protect the tradition of freedom we're privileged to enjoy as free citizens of the United States of America. We need your help, now more than ever, to continue our good work.


Like our founder Seamus Hasson taught us to say: "Everything we do, we do together."







Montse Alvarado
Executive Director 
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