PFAW Member -- I'll be quick: The clock is ticking and we still have critical unused matching funds (that will expire at midnight) that we simply cannot afford to leave on the table. We are going deep with our Take Back the Senate campaign in the states of Republican senators up for re-election -- the same people who hijacked the constitutional Supreme Court confirmation to put Brett Kavanaugh in a lifetime seat on the Court. But we need another 166 donations to hit our goal and meet our triple-match challenge! ----[previous message]---- All Donations TRIPLE-MATCHED!>> PFAW Member -- New reporting by the New York Times underscores just how CORRUPT Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation process was, when Republican senators -- so eager to give Donald Trump a "win" and shift the Supreme Court dramatically to the right -- buried documents related to Kavanaugh's record, smeared Kavanaugh's accusers, and hamstrung the FBI 'investigation' into the allegations of sexual misconduct against this completely unfit nominee. It has never been clearer that the Republican Senate Majority must END. The only way to ensure NO MORE KAVANAUGHS and NEVER AGAIN for the rubber-stamping of a patently unfit nominee is to unseat enough Republican senators to flip majority control of the Senate to the Democrats. Donations to our Take Back the Senate Fund will be 300%-MATCHED -- but only UNTIL MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Here are our 5 top tier Republican targets: ALL of these top targets who were in the Senate at the time of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation vote voted "YES" to confirm him to the Supreme Court. And, keeping in mind that winning a MAJORITY is the most important thing, in addition to these 5, we have opportunities in other states as well!
REMEMBER -- Even before the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell's Republican Senate Majority: → STOLE a seat on the US Supreme Court for Donald Trump (remember Merrick Garland??) → JAM-PACKED our courts with extreme, biased, and unqualified Trump judicial nominees (a record 150 confirmed federal judges and counting)... → BLOCKED vital reforms to protect our elections and reduce government corruption... → OBSTRUCTED efforts to get to the truth about Russian election interference and hold Trump's team accountable for a growing list of lawless and corrupt acts... Are you with us? Then let us 300%-MATCH your donation today to PFAW's Take Back the Senate Fund!>> Thank you for all you do. -- PFAW's Take Back the Senate Team