PFAW Member, We now have the best chance we've had in 4 years to reaffirm our values and protect people's fundamental rights and dignity. But it will be a fight through and through. We need to win the Georgia runoffs to flip control of the Senate and take away McConnell's power to obstruct everything the new administration wants to do. Our courts are stuffed with extreme Trump-nominated judges. And the Republican Party remains hypnotized by Trumpism, with all of its corruption, bigotry, and conspiracy theories. For all of these reasons and more, this next year -- People For's 40th anniversary year -- could be the most important one in our movement's history. And whether we're able to restore the American Way and strengthen our democracy will depend completely on the support of members and activists like you. For 24 hours only, all Giving Tuesday donations today will be QUADRUPLED, up to $125,000, with a rare 4X-MATCH! Chip in now to stop hate and defend democracy with your 4X-MATCHED Giving Tuesday donation!>> Make no mistake, our democracy is still very much under attack. The outgoing Trump administration's scorched-earth campaign to delegitimize the new Biden-Harris administration in the eyes of tens of millions of Americans is dangerous. And the fact that so many Republican leaders are complicit in the attack tells you everything you need to know about the depths to which they'll sink to hold onto power and try to preserve their extreme pro-corporate, anti-democracy agenda. This is why Giving Tuesday this year is so important. We left everything on the field in November and with so many tremendous battles still going on, and facing us in the new year, we need a big response today to replenish our resources and carry on the fight. We can’t afford to leave a single penny of these vital Giving Tuesday matching funds on the table. TOGETHER, we’ll defeat hate and extremism, defend and strengthen our democracy, and restore the American Way. Stay safe and stay healthy. Thank you, -- Zach, PFAW P.S. If you choose to make your contribution a monthly sustaining gift, your monthly gift will be 4X-matched for the entire year!