Please Support Us Today!
The Alaska Sports Hall of Fame has been dedicated to honoring the great people, moments and events from our state’s rich sports heritage. But what makes me most proud is our lasting commitment to building stronger healthier communities in Alaska through our Healthy Futures program and PLAAY initiative.

Our work matters. Research shows that children who are physically active perform better academically and have improved social skills and fewer behavioral problems. And childhood obesity is a direct link to serious health problems in adulthood such as cancer, heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes. In this crazy year of Covid-19 kids need programs like our more than ever.

The Healthy Futures program impacts tens of thousands of Alaska youth every year. For more than a decade children across Alaska complete their Healthy Futures Challenge activity logs every spring and fall and participate in community events that are supported or made possible by our program. PLAAY supports the leaders of those active youth by providing them more resources and tools. And through all our work we are fortunate to have an army of amazing Alaskan role model athletes who spend countless hours engaging the kids in support of our programs.

None of our work could happen without your generous support. Whatever you can donate during this challenging year is greatly appreciated. When you donate, please help get the word out by leaving a comment about our programs, and sharing our donation page on the social media platforms of your choice. Many hands make light!