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Dear Friends, 

One of the biggest changes in national politics and the Electoral College map in the past two decades has been the gradual turning of the Southwest from a lean GOP area to a solidly blue one.  In 2004 George W. Bush won AZ, CO, NM, NV in his re-election bid, and 6 of the region’s 8 Senators were Republicans.  In 2020, Democrats claimed all 31 Electoral College votes from the region, and all 8 Senators are now Democrats.  It is has been a significant evolution indeed.

This year Democrats finally flipped the toughest of the four states, Arizona, home to Barry Goldwater and John McCain, winning both its Electoral College votes and a second Senate seat.   Joining us this Friday at 2pm ET for a discussion about the changing politics of the Southwest, and Arizona in particular, is Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego, one of the key architects of the Democratic Party’s recent success in Arizona.   You can register for this terrific event here, and catch both Rep. Gallego and Simon Rosenberg talking about the changing politics of Arizona in a new Washington Post analysis by Greg Sargent.

Hope you can join us this Friday for what is sure to be a great discussion!

-Simon, Georgia, and the rest of the NDN team 








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