


We want you to be the first to know: We’re nearly a third of the way to reaching our highest Trees for Wildlife goal ever!

Our wildlife and wild lands need our help to replace native trees lost or damaged by this year’s natural disasters like wildfires and flooding. Will you join our biggest Giving Tuesday campaign yet? We still need 90 supporters in your state to give $30 to our Trees for Wildlife campaign before midnight.

Native trees truly can make a difference for wildlife and people in our communities. They provide food, shelter, nourishment, and places for wildlife to nurture their young. A native tree provides protection for people and communities, and serves as part of a natural defense against damage from flooding and other natural disasters.

Will you be one of the 90 friends of wildlife we need to reach our historic Giving Tuesday goal by midnight?

Last year on Giving Tuesday, we had our most successful year ever because generous supporters like you helped plant more than 15,000 native trees to help wildlife survive and thrive. But after many years of increasingly damaging, often climate-change fueled natural disasters, it has never been more critical to replace the devastating losses with healthy native trees.

That’s why we’ve set our highest goal yet—planting 20,000 Trees for Wildlife through our Giving Tuesday campaign. Will you join us and give $30 right now? We only need 90 more gifts from your community to plant 20,000 trees.

$30 will plant 3 native trees!
$50 will plant 5 native trees!
$80 will plant 8 native trees!
$100 will plant 10 native trees!
$150 will plant 15 native trees!

The trees you give will be planted by community volunteers and children who want to make a difference for wildlife and neighborhoods across the country. Can we count on you to be one of the 90 friends of wildlife from your state to participate in this special effort? Give Trees for Wildlife before midnight!

Thank you for your generosity and compassion towards wildlife today.


With gratitude,

Dirk Sellers
Chief Development Officer
National Wildlife Federation


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The National Wildlife Federation
© 2020 The National Wildlife Federation, all rights reserved
The National Wildlife Federation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
PO Box 1583, Merrifield, VA 22116-1583
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