Greetings, friends, from the UNITED network!
Hard to believe it, but we are already nearing the end of what has been a chaotic, harrowing, year, for all of us.
Despite all of it, however, this has not stopped our work! We, like all of you, have learned to quickly adapt to these circumstances, and are continuing as we always did. And we have some updates for you.
News from UNITED
Upcoming webinar: Climate Justice and Peace

We are back now with a follow-up to the exchanges we first had in April.
We want to invite you to join us online for a conference which is going to take place online on December 5th and 6th, 2020 on the 10th anniversary of the Prague Spring 2 network.
This time, the following questions are going to be raised:
- How can we organize a campaign in all parts of Europe for an eco-social transformation and disarmament and a Nuke Free Europe and Climate Justice?
- How can communities strengthen each other across borders finding ways to build trust and resilience through local food production and stronger solidarity economies?
- How can we dismantle authoritarian, military, trade and financial international regimes that support the continuation of racist colonial and neocolonial oppression and where and what can be the contribution of our organizations like trade unions, peasant and Human Rights organizations to peace and democracy?
Because it is clear that there cannot be any democracy without peace, no peace without democracy and no peace on Earth without peace with Earth.
COME AND JOIN US FOR A BETTER WORLD! More information, along with full programme, here.
Register here. Zoom link will be sent by email.
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Become members of UNITED’s Youth Advisory Board!

UNITED is opening the opportunity for delegates of UNITED supporter organisations to become members of UNITED’s Youth Advisory Board.
Do you have enthusiasm and passion for the values of the UNITED network? Are you able and willing to work as part of a diverse, international team?
Join our Advisory Board and have a say in the strategic direction of UNITED!
More information here. We look forward to your applications!
News from the Network

November 16th was the International Day for Tolerance, and to commemorate, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) ppublished its annual Hate Crime Report for 2019. The data contains information from participating States, civil society and international organizations. This includes official data reported by 39 states, including disaggregated official hate crime statistics for 25 countries. This report shows the sheer volume of xenophobic attacks, and underscores the need for police to record hate crimes in order to ensure that victims are recognized and receive the support they so urgently need.

On 21-22 September, UNITED co-hosted the European Regional Forum on the topic of hate speech, social media, and minorities. The Forum was attended by up to 165 people representing states, international organizations, civil society, academia. The main purpose was to provide European regional insights to feed into the thematic work of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues for his report to the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council in March 2021. In addition, discussions at the Regional Forum informed the work and recommendations of the 13th Session of the UN Forum on Minority Issues, which took place on 19 and 20 November 2020.
Interested in the discussions and recommendations? Find out more here.