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Dear NCRC members and friends,

We all know: it's been a difficult year. Even with a new administration in the White House, next year won't be easy.

That's why we need each other, now more than ever.

We are stronger together. Leaders listen when they hear from NCRC and our members, and they notice when hundreds of messages turn into thousands. We need to inspire and activate even more.

How? Here's a start: Join us.

We need you. We need your voice. Join NCRC to show your support for our work and to benefit from our research, programs and advocacy. Learn more about membership and sign up here:

NCRC is a coalition for organizations. But individuals can also show their support and participate in our work and growing community.

Go here to donate and join NCRC's Just Economy Club for individuals:
Join the club
You’ll be part of a network that’s driving the movement for a Just Economy. In Washington, we work with policymakers to strengthen laws that ensure fair access to credit and capital, like the Community Reinvestment Act. Across the nation, we work with community leaders and the private sector to increase the flow of private capital into traditionally underserved communities. Since 2016, that work has resulted in community benefits agreements with banks worth $194 billion in lending, investments and philanthropy in lower-income communities across the nation.

We are stronger together. Leaders listen when they hear from NCRC and our members, and they notice when hundreds of messages turn into thousands. We need to inspire and activate even more.

With gratitude for your support and hope for a better tomorrow,

New to NCRC? Here's our story. 
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