From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject TODAY ONLY: Make Double the Difference!
Date December 1, 2020 2:02 PM
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Make A Difference this Giving Tuesday

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Gift Match Expires at Midnight

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Double Your Impact

Dear John,

It&rsquo;s here! Today&rsquo;s the day to make a statement about the causes that matter most to you.

And thanks to a generous fellow supporter,
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your Giving Tuesday gift to ADL doubles today. Don&rsquo;t miss the midnight deadline!

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$50 will become $100 ... $75 becomes $150 ... and $100 multiplies to an amazing $200 to fight antisemitism and hate!

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Your Gift Doubles Now

This year has been chaotic and full of uncertainty. But here&rsquo;s one thing I know we&rsquo;re all sure of: Fear and extremism are NOT what America stands for.

Stand with ADL today. Send a message that hate has no place in our communities, on our news feeds and social media, in our schools, or anywhere else in our country.

Together, we are winning victories against hate every day. Which is why I can also say with certainty that
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your gift will make a difference through ADL.
Making a Difference Together!

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. Your impact goes twice as far today. All Giving Tuesday gifts up to a total of $100,000 will be doubled. But
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please hurry, this matching gift offer expires at midnight.

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