When you give today, this is the difference you make: We begin to repair our wild places after four destructive years of the Trump administration and work to protect 30% of lands and waters by 2030. We restore everyone's right to clean air and water. We push for bold climate action that ensures a healthy world for all of us.
And the next few months will be pivotal.
We're still fending off every threat the Trump administration is recklessly pursuing over the lame duck period.
We face emboldened Republicans and a fossil fuel industry that continues to put its profits over our planet and its people.
And, with a closely-divided Senate, we have a critical window of opportunity to ensure the Biden administration takes immediate climate action that will have lasting impact.
This is why today is so consequential and a perfect time to start a membership. Give today and together, we'll build a better future for all of us.
And, this holiday season, you can share your commitment to the environment.
No plush needed? Donate here and 100% of your gift will go toward protecting our environment.
In the middle of a global pandemic, and twin climate and extinction crises, we don't have time to wait. We are ready to push for urgent climate action and protect our planet's precious biodiversity and natural resources. With you by our side, we will meet this moment with everything we've got. Every sign-up makes a difference, so become a Wilderness Guardian today and receive a free Adopt a Wild Animal for the holidays!
We have so much to be grateful for, and I hope you'll help us keep pushing to make positive change for our planet and communities.
Happy Giving Tuesday!
Michelle Epstein
Deputy Chief Advancement Officer, Membership & Direct Response
Sierra Club
PS. Don't want a plush? Donate here and 100% of your donation will go toward protecting our environment.
Your Help Is Needed
Honey bees continue to decline at an alarming rate. We must urge Congress to reform our pesticide laws to better protect pollinators and frontline communities.
In October, the Interior Department finalized a rule removing Endangered Species Act protections for almost all gray wolves in the lower 48.
Continued attacks on Tongass National Forest jeopardize humpback whales, which migrate to Alaska's nutrient-rich waters, and their disappearance would have adverse consequences throughout the ecosystem.
Despite recent legal victories to stop trophy hunts around Greater Yellowstone, grizzly bears are continually in the crosshairs as these magnificent creatures remain feared and misunderstood.