I wish I had better news to share. Yesterday, we emailed you that we need to raise an additional $5,350 before midnight tonight to stay on track for this month before our upcoming critical FEC fundraising deadline.
Well, we’re still $3,215 short, and I’m nervous we won’t get there. Our first opponent officially jumped in the race yesterday, and we need to finish the quarter strong to keep the momentum on our side.
Usually, we ask you to chip in just $3 or more, but this time, we need at least $10 from each grassroots donor if we’re going to get out of this hole. I understand not everyone can afford that, but if you can, it will go a long way towards helping us afford the resources we need to keep Jared in Congress.
I’m always in awe of the power of this grassroots community, so I hope you won’t let us down this time.
Thanks for understanding,
John Buckner
Finance Director
Jared Golden for Congress