It's Giving Tuesday and your gift will be DOUBLED!

Help us reach our Giving Tuesday goal and your gift will be DOUBLED.

Please make your Giving Tuesday gift today

Dear John,

It’s here! Today is Giving Tuesday: A global day of mobilizing the power of generosity to change the world by inspiring compassionate people like you to support the causes you care about most.

And I really hope that Farm Sanctuary will be one of them, because we have set a special Giving Tuesday goal of raising $34,247: The cost of one day’s work caring for our nearly 1,000 shelter residents, rescuing animals from abuse and neglect, and raising awareness of the harm caused by our exploitive and oppressive food system.

We know that many groups are competing for your attention today, but I hope you won’t forget the farm animals who have so few friends as dedicated and generous as you.

And, as an extra incentive to include farm animals in your charitable giving today, I am thrilled to tell you that a generous donor has stepped forward to match your gift dollar-for-dollar, up to $40,000—DOUBLING your impact for farm animals!

John, when you join Farm Sanctuary today, your special Giving Tuesday contribution will go TWICE as far! Please help support one day of our lifesaving work to protect the amazing animals at our shelters and those still suffering in America’s farming industry.

Match my gift

Your gift will mean the world to animals like Jerome and Cashew: Two bonded steers who are as close as brothers. Jerome was just a tiny calf when we rescued him from the dairy industry. He was in desperate need of a family after being separated from his own mother.

Fortunately, he found one in Liz and Jerome: a mother cow and her young calf rescued from another dairy farm just a few weeks prior. Liz soon took Jerome on as her own, and the family remains inseparable to this day... Unlike most male Jersey calves, who are slaughtered at a young age by the dairy industry, Cashew and Jerome are loving life at Farm Sanctuary—and they are forever free to enjoy the companionship that all cows desire.

The depth of love between these amazing brothers moves and inspires us every day. And their life together would not be possible if not for the compassion and generosity of friends like you.

Please help us reach our $34,247 goal so we can provide the specialized daily care that animals like Cashew, Jerome, and Liz need to thrive—from food to straw bedding to medications. And today, your gift will be matched 100%!

Match my gift

Giving Tuesday is about building a more kind and just world. And for Farm Sanctuary, that means a world without factory farms, slaughterhouses, or stockyards. A world in which no animal is treated like a commodity to be exploited for commercial gain. A world in which workers, our communities, and our planet are protected from the disastrous effects of our current agricultural system.

Farm Sanctuary works—day in and day out—to make that world a reality through the care we provide our shelter residents, our rescues, and our education and advocacy programs. But we cannot possibly do it all without you!

That’s why I hope that you’ll focus some of your Giving Tuesday generosity on farm animals and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to have your gift DOUBLED.

Join Farm Sanctuary before midnight tonight and your special Giving Tuesday gift will go twice as far to change the lives of more abused and abandoned animals like Cashew and Jerome.

Thank you, in advance, for making Farm Sanctuary a priority this Giving Tuesday. Together, we will create a world in which every farm animal gets to be part of a loving family.

Yours for farm animals,

Megan Watkins
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. By joining Farm Sanctuary today, your generous gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar, DOUBLING your impact. You can also help by contacting us immediately at 607-583-2225 ext. 223, if you see a farm animal in danger or distress, or believe that farm animal cruelty is occurring. Your call can save an animal’s life!

P.P.S. When you become a Farm Sanctuary member, you will receive exclusive benefits including a free subscription to our member magazine, opportunities to sign petitions and speak out for farm animals, special alerts with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals, updates on urgent rescues, and more.

Match my gift

Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, ‌Watkins Glen,‌ NY 14891 | 607-5‌83-2225
Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.

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