December 1, 2020
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Tucker goes Megyn
Joan Swirsky

December 1, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

December 1, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

December 1, 2020
Go to 3:26
NEWSMAX TV ? Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, as you know by now, is going to state capitals and making the case that the 2020 election was not on the up and up. He revealed to state legislators in Phoenix on Monday that former CISA director Chris Krebs misled the public about CISA's ties to Dominion... (more)

December 1, 2020
FOX NEWS ? In his first interview since the election, President Trump talked with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo, who asked him about election fraud allegations and his potential path to victory, on 'Sunday Morning Futures.'... (more)

November 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? A lawyer for President Donald Trump's reelection campaign in Georgia is asking for an audit of up to 45,000 signatures on ballots that allegedly have been illegally cast in the presidential race before the state's recount is completed. In the fifth letter sent to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger by President Donald Trump's campaign counselor Ray S. Smith, the lawyer urged an audit "before it's too late."... (more)

November 29, 2020
CALIFORNIA GLOBE ? As it turns out, attorney Sidney Powell has plenty of firepower to back up her Kraken claims about the 2020 presidential election, including high-tech intelligence experts who concluded electronic ballot theft tipped the results in key battleground states. First and foremost is Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, an experienced cyber crimes investigator and digital security executive, who has worked with the CIA, NSA, FBI, and U.S. military counterintelligence, as well as corporate financial giants like Deutsche Bank and Stripe.... (more)

November 29, 2020
DAILY WIRE ? New details emerged on Saturday about the targeted killing of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who top U.S. and Israel intelligence officials say was behind Iran's clandestine nuclear weapons program.... (more)

November 28, 2020
DAILY WIRE ? Fewer students are enrolled in public schools across the country amidst the coronavirus pandemic, according to data released by various states and public school districts. According to The New York Times, Massachusetts public schools have seen 37,000 fewer students, which translates to a 4% decline in enrollment, according to state officials. Over in North Carolina, 5% fewer students were enrolled in public schools at the start of the academic year than in previous years, reports ABC-11. Enrollment has since increased slightly, with school enrollment for the year now down 4% instead of 5%.... (more)

November 28, 2020
Countering NY Times' revisionist 1619 Project
THE FEDERALIST ? The Federalist Political Editor John Daniel Davidson says most Americans reject the premise that their country is "irredeemably racist and evil." "Americans are not on board with the 1619 narrative," Davidson said on Fox News's "The Ingraham Angle" Wednesday. "They're not on board with being told that their country is irredeemably racist and evil."... (more)

November 28, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? Trump Throws Down the Big Gauntlet. Hoo-boy. On the off chance that your Thanksgiving weekend was undergoing a lull, here's some pure political entertainment for you. President Trump decided to hit Twitter with a Black Friday surprise, saying that "Biden can only enter the White House as President" if he can prove that he didn't get there fraudulently:... (more)

November 28, 2020
'I am afraid large sectors of America?s population are going to be off guard when the states begin to flip'
LIFE SITE NEWS ? After a slow start, the Trump legal team is now well and truly underway, and intends to show that the November 3rd election was really won by their guy. In Pennsylvania, a courageous judge has halted the certification while she looks at evidence of fraud. One question she might want to ask the Democrat Secretary of State: If there were only 1.8 million ballots requested, how is it possible that you received 2.5 million back in the mail?... (more)

November 28, 2020
NEWSMAX TV ? The head of Iran's nuclear weapons program was assassinated Friday near Tehran. Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who oversaw the program since 2003, was killed by a group of gunmen of unknown origin. Also on today's program: five ways Biden magically outperformed norms in the 2020 election; why we don't believe the media; interview with Rudy Giuliani on the Trump team's legal battles.... (more)

November 27, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? On Friday, Carter Page – the former CIA informant whom the FBI nonetheless targeted for warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) – filed an explosive $75 million lawsuit against the key actors in the FISA surveillance scandal known as Spygate or Obamagate. While U.S. Attorney John Durham's report into this matter is still forthcoming, Page appears to have decided to take matters into his own hands and pursue justice in the courts.... (more)

November 27, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? What is it about good-looking, brainy, articulate, even charismatic people—particularly if they're in the public eye—that makes them so vulnerable to the self-destroying over-confidence and arrogance known as "hubris"?... (more)

November 26, 2020
NEWSMAX ? A sharply divided U.S. Supreme Court blocked New York Governor Andrew Cuomo from reimposing strict capacity limits on New York City synagogues and Roman Catholic churches, saying rules he issued amid a new Covid-19 wave unfairly single out houses of worship.... (more)

November 26, 2020
NEWSMAX TV ? Praying that all of you are having a blessed Thanksgiving wherever you are tonight. Today, for most salt-of-the-earth Americans, it was a special day – a day to be with family, a day to acknowledge loved ones, a day to give thanks for America. Unfortunately, liberals have been plotting to remake America and take away our God-given rights pretty much our whole lives.... (more)

November 25, 2020
'I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Amid a federal judge's continued refusal to rule on the Justice Department's motion to dismiss the case against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Trump announced Wednesday he has pardoned his onetime national security adviser. Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to making false statements to FBI agents in a case related to Robert Mueller's special counsel Russia probe. But after retaining attorney Sidney Powell, Flynn filed a motion to withdraw the plea, presenting evidence he was "ambushed" by agents after the bureau concluded it didn't have a case.... (more)

November 25, 2020
Bombshell testimony at Pennsylvania hearing draws gasps
WORLDNETDAILY ? At a public hearing Wednesday held by Pennsylvania lawmakers and President Trump's campaign, a witness drew gasps when he described "spikes" in the vote count the evening of the election in which Joe Biden gained 570,000 votes to the president's 3,200. The spikes in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh came after Trump held a lead of some 700,000 votes. The official count ended with a Biden lead of some 80,000.... (more)

November 25, 2020
Republican complaint alleges mail-in voting violates state constitution
WORLDNETDAILY ? A Pennsylvania judge on Wednesday blocked certification of the results of the 2020 election in the state until her court holds a hearing Friday in a case brought by Republican lawmakers and candidates.... (more)

November 25, 2020
PJ MEDIA ? Defense Attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and others have filed a lawsuit in Georgia demanding that the results of the 2020 election be set aside because of "massive election fraud" and foreign influence in the election. The lawsuit claims that 96,600 mail-in ballots "were fraudulently cast" and that "136,098 ballots were illegally counted as a result of improper manipulation of the Dominion software."... (more)

November 25, 2020
"Maybe I'll move there...and unseat you"
THE BLAZE ? Actor Scott Baio threatened to move to Utah in order to run against Republican Sen. Mitt Romney after he tweeted against the litigation the president was supporting to challenge the results of the 2020 election. Romney tweeted a statement scolding the president after his legal team made accusations of a massive election fraud scheme in a media briefing on Thursday... (more)

November 25, 2020
WASHINGTON TIMES ? Former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell said she will file a lawsuit on Wednesday alleging widespread election fraud in Georgia's voting machines and "foreign intrusion" in the U.S. election. "There are just countless incidents of voter fraud and election fraud, writ large, in Georgia," Ms. Powell told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs on Tuesday. Ms. Powell, who has been bumped from the president's legal team after a press conference last week, said she also plans to file similar lawsuits in other states.... (more)

November 23, 2020
THE EPOCH TIMES ? Thousands of people registered and voted in Georgia using addresses of postal facilities or businesses, but making it look like they were residential addresses, according to a former Trump campaign official whose team analyzed the states' voter data.... (more)

November 23, 2020
NEWT GINGRICH ? Laziness leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness is how the most brazen heist in American history is being exposed. Stealing the 2020 election was a mammoth undertaking, involving widespread lawlessness and illicit partnerships between private actors and public officials. They've been working to cover their tracks since Election Day, but they didn't work fast enough. Now, the courts need to stop them from destroying any more evidence so that the people of Pennsylvania – and the rest of the country – can accurately assess the ramifications of their wrongdoing.... (more)

November 23, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Jenna Ellis: We're on our way to the Supreme Court. Our "amended motion for emergency expedited review" was "granted at the direction of the court."... (more)

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