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Marisol's Story

When you’re the matriarch of the family, like Marisol, everyone looks to you for strength, especially in a crisis. But by the time Marisol called Identity she was ashamed by how much she was struggling both emotionally and financially.  The mother of four young children, she is battling cancer and had to stop working. She feared contracting COVID 19 would be fatal. Her husband’s job alone barely covered the rent, and there was little left for food or warm winter clothing for the children.  Identity Case Manager Yannick Alexis began working on multiple fronts to avert a crisis for the family. He was able to access county emergency funding, food, clothing and even a holiday giving program for the children and, most importantly, referrals for healthcare for Marisol and her husband.  

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we

Provided case management and direct client assistance to almost 5000 clients benefitting 25,000 residents, nearly 7 times more than the same period last year.
Reached 2900 families with critical information to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and take care of ill family members.
You can make a difference

Marisol was used to being the rock and it was hard for her to be so vulnerable and in such despair. Together, we can help lighten her load. 

Be the rock for families in crisis.  Donate now.

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