Read the entire 2020 Year in Review Mailer HERE
Watch the 2020 Year End video HERE
SHARK has filmed beagle breeding warehouses in both New York and Virginia, where dogs are bred and sold for experimentation. In 2020, we made two trips to the Envgio facility in Cumberland, VA.
Our high magnification drones showed how disgusting these prison camps are. We filmed dogs living in and eating their own filth, exhibiting severe behavioral problems such as aggression and stereotypic behavior, such as walking in circles due to emotional suffering.

Animal abusers, such as Envigo, call these terrified dogs “products,” and they treat them as such, depriving them of attention and love. By showing the world the faces of these dogs, SHARK proved the undeniable truth about the animals imprisoned in these camps; each and every one of them is a living being no different than the dogs we call, “family.”
This shows why SHARK’s work is so important; we expose the plight of animals and work to stop the cruelty and help the animals.

We began this mailer by talking about how the pandemic has had a dire effect on all of us. It would have been easy for us to shut down as the rest of the country did, but that’s not SHARK. We don’t take the easy way out because we truly care about animals.
• OPERATION: SHUTDOWN was an amazing success because we were able to create an effective strategy and we followed through saving every life we could.
• CRUSH COCKFIGHTING is already the most successful effort against cockfighting by any animal protection organization and we are just beginning. No other animal protection group has taken such risks and gained such significant results so quickly.
Dogs like this, imprisoned at Envigo, had no hope before SHARK. We will never stop fighting for animals
No one at SHARK will ever get rich by working for the animals, and I have never taken a penny from the organization. In fact, I have personally funded the group during dire financial times from my retirement fund, but this can’t continue.
SHARK cannot continue to win so many victories for animals unless we get the funding we need. Donations to SHARK goes immediately to help animals, not expensive television ads, fundraisers, marketing, etc.
Just look at everything this small, yet dedicated group of investigators has accomplished and you will see how essential we are to the movement to save animals.
Join with us in this great and noble cause, and the lives we save will be the lives you save.
Most sincerely,

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