Dedicate #GivingTuesday to civil and human rights.
The clock is ticking. Ready to lead the charge for our democracy?
24 hours to:
24 hours to:
24 hours to:
24 hours to join us this
Yes, this year has been challenging. But democracy is rising, and we won't let it fall. Despite the pandemic, we kept defending the right to vote, we got out the count for the census, and we continued advocating in Congress for policies that protect people's civil and human rights. We've been in the fight for 70 years — and we're ready for the battles ahead.

Will you join us on this global day of giving?

Give now to jumpstart our $70K year-end goal, and make today about justice and fairness for all.
1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
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