Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

Trump Pardons Flynn…It’s a Good Start!

Ron Paul, MD

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer

Edward Curtin

The Black Education Tragedy Is New

Walter E. Williams

Fighting for Georgia

Paul Gottfried

Silent Obedient Consent

Jim Quinn

The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen

Paul Craig Roberts

Winding Up Americans

Jeff Thomas

Brazil’s President Bolsonaro: I ‘Won’t Take’ a Covid Vaccine, Congress Won’t Make it Mandatory

Pete Baklinski

Johns Hopkins Study Explodes Covid Death Hoax; It’s Re-Labeling on a Grand Scale

Jon Rappoport

Trump Should Pardon More Than Flynn and Two Turkeys

Laurence M. Vance

USA Today and Facebook Use Slanderous ‘Fact Check’ To Suppress Facts About Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

James Agresti

Will the Technocratic Coup Succeed?

Alastair Crooke

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