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Pennsylvania Lawmakers Formally Introduce Resolution to Dispute 2020 Elections Results
The resolution states that the executive and judicial branches of the Keystone State’s government usurped the legislature’s constitutional power to set the rules of the election.

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Formally Introduce Resolution to ...

‘So we led this great charge and I’m the only one who lost?’ Trump says crushing defeat of down-ballot Democrats proves the election was rigged
Everybody knows. But will we get our day in court to present the tsunami of evidence?

'So we led this great charge and I'm the only one who lost?' Trump says crushing defeat of down-ballot Democrats proves the election was rigged in late-night ...

Anonymous Email From Arizona Tech Worker Alleges 35,000 Votes Given to Democrats in Pima County: Witness
The voter fraud is enormous. Just staggering.

Anonymous Email From Arizona Tech Worker Alleges 35,000 Votes Given to Democrats in Pima County: Witness

An alleged anonymous whistleblower’s email that was provided to a cybersecurity expert ...

President Trump threatens to declassify ‘devastating’ docs about Democrats

Trump threatens to declassify ‘devastating’ docs about Democrats

By Marisa Schultz and Nikki Schwab, The New York Post, November 28, 2018:

President Donald J. Trump stops to greet visitors as he walks from the Oval Office ...

Chevron Deal With Noble Energy: One More Nail In BDS (Boycott Jews) Coffin (Part Two)
Part One here.

The Iranian attempt to foment unrest among the region’s Shi’a, and to support a network of proxies and allies – the Houthis in Yemen, the Iran-backed Shi’a militias in Iraq, the Alawite (Shi’a) led army of Assad in ...

AZ Hearing: Dominion Voting Machines Were Connected to Internet Which Went Offshore To Frankfurt, Germany
A computer expert says his team observed bits of information from Dominion being transmitted from the US to Frankfurt, Germany on Election Day.

BREAKING: #ArizonaHearing: "Are you willing to say under oath, that you've seen the connection to ...

Sen. Rand Paul: Trump margin of “defeat” in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM
This is obscene.

Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020

A Quantitative Analysis of Decisive Vote Updates in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia on and after Election Night

Interesting . . . Trump margin of “defeat” ...

Jihad-Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Calls for Israel’s Destruction
A sitting member of the United States Congress has publicly called for the genocide of the Jewish people of Israel. Think about that. And Speaker Pelosi will continue to exult this vicious anti-Semite. How can any Jewish American support the ...

Chinese Sociologist: We’ll Soon Surpass U.S., ‘U.S. Will Not Survive,’ We’ll ‘Drive U.S. To Its Death’
I would say the same thing if the US rigged a Chinese election and we had our puppet in Zhongnanhai.

The China virus was an act of war and the Democrats have overturned the Trump landslide to install their rotting puppet in the White House. ...

Carter Page files $75 million suit against DoJ, Comey, FBI over ‘unlawful surveillance’
The political persecution of the party of freedom by treasonous Democrats remains one of the greatest unpunished crime in American history.

Carter Page files $75 million suit against DoJ, Comey, FBI over 'unlawful surveillance'

Suit alleges ...

Judge Schedules Hearing in High-Profile Georgia Election Case
The judge who Sunday ordered Georgia officials not to wipe or reset voting machines scheduled the next hearing in the case for Friday. Scroll: Georgia voter fraud

Judge Schedules Hearing in High-Profile Georgia Election Case

The judge who ...

Pro Boxer Revealed How Donald Trump Changed His Life with Just 4 Words
This video about former boxer William Campudoni is from 2016. It's a touching story. And four years later the theme remains the same. President Trump put his life, reputation, and fortune on the line to fight for the American people. He had our ...

WATCH LIVE NOW: Arizona State Legislature Hold Public Hearing on Election Fraud
"I am going to ask you fight, I am going to ask you to implore other members of the legislature to stand up to this. Do not be bullied. Do not be frightened. Your political career is worth losing if you can save the right to vote in America." ...

Dominion Software Source Code
Dominion is required to hold source code and all its variations in an escrow vault with an agent – so where is it, and does it match what is in GA, PA, MI, AZ, WI machines?

Source code analysis of Dominion software revealing capability to ...

Georgia Recount in Fulton County Delayed By Dominion Server Crash, “Technicians from Dominion have been dispatched to resolve the issue“
“Technicians from Dominion have been dispatched to resolve the issue.”

This is so screwed.

Georgia Recount in Fulton County Delayed By Dominion Server Crash

By Gateway Pundit, November 29, 2020:

The recount in Georgia’s Fulton ...

Judge BLOCKS, Then UNBLOCKS Georgia From Wiping or Resetting Election Machines
But what was done in the interim? This, unbelievably, is America.

Judge Blocks, Then Unblocks Georgia From Wiping or Resetting Election Machines

By Ivan Pentchoukov and Petr Svab, The Epoch Times, November 30, 2020

UPDATE: In a third ...

President Trump: Leaders Called Him on Election Night to Congratulate, Then Votes Came in ‘Dumps’
The big steal is an act of war.

Trump: Leaders Called Him on Election Night to Congratulate, Then Votes Came in ‘Dumps’

By Jack Phillips, Epoch Times, November 29, 2020:

President Donald Trump said that world leaders called ...

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