MATCH your gift for athletes! Your $ = $$ today — give now >>
People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have struggled SO much this year:
Most Special Olympics in-person events were cancelled this year to keep athletes safe.
That meant the isolation people with ID always face was even more intense.
And people with ID have been at high risk because they are more vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19.
If you believe people with ID should be healthy and safe during the pandemic, chip in now. Your gift — DOUBLED today — will help athletes get everything they need to be safe, stay connected, and be active during the pandemic:

Special Olympics is 100% committed to keeping athletes healthy and fit during the pandemic. That’s why we’re ensuring the necessary masks, sanitizer, and gloves are available when needed. We’re supporting safe wellness and fitness programs like School of Strength. We’re providing virtual training and equipment to help support athletes who are practicing in small groups locally and staying fit at home. And we’re ensuring that athletes have everything they need to compete as soon as it’s safe!
Here’s what we’re up against: We need to raise $39,499.38 today. That amount is the exact amount we raised on this day last year, and that’s what we’ll have to raise to stay on track for 2021.
But we don’t just want to stay on track — we want to CRUSH this goal and help even MORE athletes during the pandemic. For every athlete Special Olympics reaches in the U.S., another 13 people with ID are waiting for their chance to connect, learn new skills, and become a leader in their community.
We’re only able to give athletes everything they need during the pandemic because of supporters like you. Make your gift today and it will be MATCHED, dollar-for-dollar:
Year after year, generous supporters like you have chipped in to help reach more people with ID. That’s why we KNOW we can meet today’s goal.
Thank you, you’re amazing,
–– The Team at Special Olympics