Leave a Legacy of Peace

Dear Friend, 

Can you imagine a world where peace is the norm and war is the exception? Millenials and Gen Z may not be able to. Many young Americans today have never known a time when our country was not at war abroad.

This generation is ready to step up and demand a more peaceful future, one where the United States is #1 in eradicating disease, supporting world class education, and building safe, modern infrastructure, rather than #1 in arms sales, military spending, and drone assassinations.  

QI is advancing a vision for building a better world in which the next generation wants to live -- a future defined by our leaders’ investment in our health, our education, and our environment, not in confronting exaggerated military threats abroad.

Can you help us build toward resilience, peace, and prosperity for the next generations? This Giving Tuesday, invest in a more peaceful future for yourself, your children, and your grandchildren.

Your 100% tax-deductible contribution to QI today will help us challenge the status quo of militarism and create a more peaceful tomorrow! 


Andrew Bacevich
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
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