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Dear NCRC members and friends,

Wealth isn’t distributed evenly. But the opportunity to earn and accumulate it should be. 

We know the fight for a #JustEconomy is important to you and we need as many individuals as possible in this fight. That’s why NCRC launched the Just Economy Club, a network of individuals who support our work to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality.  

We’re inviting you to be one of the first to join the club and receive:
  • JustNews, our weekly newsletter
  • Invitations and discounts to online and in person events 
  • Access to the Just Economy Forum (coming soon), an online community where you can exchange ideas and network with other members
Join the Just Economy Club today and together we’ll work toward a world of inclusive, liveable and sustainable communities grounded in fairness and dignity for everyone. 
Join the club
You’ll be part of a network that’s driving the movement for a Just Economy. In Washington, we work with policymakers to strengthen laws that ensure fair access to credit and capital, like the Community Reinvestment Act. Across the nation, we work with community leaders and the private sector to increase the flow of private capital into traditionally underserved communities. Since 2016, that work has resulted in community benefits agreements with banks worth $194 billion in lending, investments and philanthropy in lower-income communities across the nation.

We are stronger together. Leaders listen when they hear from NCRC and our members, and they notice when hundreds of messages turn into thousands. We need to inspire and activate even more.

Thanks for all you do every day,

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