After an election in which unprecedented numbers of voters went to the polls, especially from Black, Indigenous, and communities of color (BIPOC), Race Forward celebrates the victory of President-elect Joseph Biden and the historic election of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as the first Black and Asian American woman to hold that office.
In recognition of the role that BIPOC communities and the multiracial movement for racial justice played in this election, Race Forward also calls upon the Biden administration to center racial justice in the development of its policy platform for the first 100 days and beyond.
Read more about Race Forward’s calls to the Biden administration in its first 100 days
In one of its first calls, Race Forward is asking the Biden administration to immediately reverse President Trump’s “Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping”, which bans racial justice work in the federal government. In particular, the Order directed federal employees to look for certain keywords and to take action to end any programs, grants, or contracts that include them and punish any employees who use them. The “banned words” included: “systemic racism”, “unconscious bias”, "critical race theory”, "white privilege", "positionality”, "racial humility”, and "intersectionality.”
In response, Race Forward launched its own #BannedWords campaign, to fight back against Trump’s attempt to stop a historically unprecedented racial justice movement by censoring the language we use to name racism. Because of our justice movements, these #BannedWords have become part of everyday language. In fact, our research shows the US media used “systemic racism” more during the month of June than in the past 30 years combined. The majority of Americans recognize and want to have measured, meaningful conversations about the historic and continuing impact of white privilege and systemic racism.
Listen to Momentum: LIVE at Facing Race with Hiba and Chevon to hear Race Forward President Glenn Harris and President of the National Urban League Marc Morial talk about fighting back against Executive Order 13950
Here’s how you can participate in the #BannedWords campaign:
Also, plan now to join us as we look past the vote and mobilize for racial justice in this upcoming #RaceAnd Town Hall conversation.
