We will eventually legalize weed in Pennsylvania. You and I both know it. It’s a question of when is this going to happen, not if. So why are we putting this off?
Prohibition costs Pennsylvania big money. States like Illinois have already banked more than $100m in weed tax revenue. New Jersey just voted to legalize weed and 40% of us live like 20 minutes or less from the border. Why should New Jersey make all that tax revenue, but not Pennsylvania? In fact, PA could raise $5 billion in the next 20 years through a weed tax.
It’s not just about tax revenue though — it’s about justice. Because 20,000 Pennsylvania residents are charged with weed possession every year. White and Black people use weed at the same rate, yet Black people are four times more likely to be arrested and charged for its use.
Legal weed is an opportunity to create jobs and support our farmers. It would be an economic boon at a time when we could badly use a break.
So today, we’re starting a big petition. You can sign it even if you aren’t in Pennsylvania, because we need your voice too.
Add your name if you agree: we’ve got to make weed legal in Pennsylvania and beyond. It’s time to end the era of prohibition.
Sign your name
To be honest, I don’t get why this hasn’t happened yet. The vast majority of people in Pennsylvania agree with ending prohibition. Even South Dakota has legalized weed — are we going to be to the right of South Dakota?
This could be the year that Pennsylvania takes that step. But elected officials need to keep hearing about this from their constituents. That’s why we’ve started this big petition. Can you sign your name to say you want legal weed for Pennsylvania?
Once you sign, send this petition around to friends or family so we can get more people speaking out. Public pressure is the only way we’re going to get this done.
Thanks for taking action today,
John Fetterman
Lt. Gov of Pennsylvania
Paid for by Team Fetterman
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