Hi John,
Nominations for chairs and officers have closed. Thank you to those who have volunteered to take a more active role in the chapter!
Voting is now open until December 1st at 11:59pm — that’s tomorrow. If you have not received a ballot, and you are a member of SV DSA, request a ballot ASAP. If you have not yet joined, there’s still time! (Dues optional.)
Already voted? It’s also time for a member survey. Take a few minutes to tell us a bit about what matters to you — these responses will help steer the chapter in the coming months. If you have more extensive thoughts to share, we invite you to submit a position paper, which is a more in-depth analysis of our strengths and weaknesses as a chapter. Both are due December 6th, in preparation for our December Chapter Meeting on Sunday, December 13th.
From voting to surveys to papers, all of these things play a critical role in keeping our chapter running smoothly and ensuring we’re focusing on the right priorities. Please do participate.
In solidarity,
Your SV DSA Newsletter Team