November 30, 2020 John,
As you know, we’re expecting a vote this week on the MORE Act. This will mark the first congressional floor vote in US history to end federal marijuana prohibition.
Will you call the Capitol Switchboard and tell your Representative that you want them to VOTE YES:
(202) 224-3121
Here is a sample script:
“I am calling to ask for your support in passing the MORE Act.
The MORE Act would end the federal prohibition of marijuana, thus providing individual states with the authority to be the primary arbiters of cannabis policy.
Further, it would facilitate the expungement of low-level, federal marijuana convictions, and incentivize state and local governments to take similar actions
Be on the right side of history. Please vote for the MORE Act to end marijuana criminalization.”
After you call your representative, please share our action alert through your networks and have your friends and family contact them as well.
Let’s make history together.
Thanks for all you do,
NORML Political Director
P.S. If you’re in a position to do so, we’d really appreciate your support. Sign up to be a recurring NORML member by chipping in 5, 10, 20 bucks or more a month so we can sustainably grow our efforts.