"Trump Administration To Revoke Obama-Era Water Protection Rule"

"Environmentalists say the move would leave millions of Americans with less safe drinking water and damage wetlands that prevent flooding." - HuffPost, 09/13/19

Sign the petition now to join Dr. Kim Schrier in telling Donald Trump to protect our water.


In 1972, Congress passed the Clean Water Act to keep pollutants out of our rivers and waterways. It set water quality standards and established pollution prevention measures. But in the last 47 years, our scientific understanding of the impact of water quality has grown immensely.

That's why President Barack Obama amended the rule in 2015 to include streams and wetlands that feed these larger waterways. His decision was based on more than 1,200 peer-reviewed scientific studies and over 1 million public comments.

Now, Donald Trump and his Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Andrew Wheeler, are eliminating these Obama-era enhancements that protect our drinking water. Their decision puts land developers and oil and gas drillers' profits before our clean water and our families' health and well-being.

Clean water is our right -- so it's time to stand up for our most important natural resource. Add your name next to Kim's to demand the Trump administration to protect our water.

Thank you,

Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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