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Dear John,

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Good Morning Indian River!

We are told that all the ills of the nation are about to heal. Absolutely no evidence of fraud has been found in the Election of 2020 -- never mind the 6,000 votes that somehow got flipped in Antrim County, MI, or the boxes of uncounted ballots in Georgia that yielded thousands of gained votes for President Trump. Nothing to see here, no evidence of fraud, move along.

Biden will restore professionalism and integrity to the Executive Branch. Pay no attention to the outcries of conflicts of interest and ethics breaches that have already arisen over Biden's announced nominee for Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and others.

Under a Biden Presidency, the world will once again unite behind American policy. Ignore the fact that it appears that Israel, with apparent aid from Saudi Arabia (and who could ever imagine those two nations working together prior to the Trump Presidency?) have acted, with the apparent knowledge and blessing of the United States, to thwart the Iranian nuclear program and at the same time block any plans Biden may have had to destroy the new peace that Pres. Trump has orchestrated in the Middle East organized along a Sunni axis in favor of the old Obama-era strategy for a U.S.-backed peace organized along a Shi'a axis (which would include greater recognition for Iran and Iraq, as well as terrorist entities Hamas and Hezbollah, and an effort to keep Israel at odds with its Sunni neighbors, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria, as well as non-neighboring Sunni states). It seems that a major hot-spot has announced that it prefers the Trump model of peace to the Biden model of perpetual war. But again, nothing to see here.

Since the Obama-Biden policies didn't really work the last time around (1% GDP growth, perpetual wars, loss of critical industries, trade deals detrimental to American workers and industries, international accords fatal to the American economy), why not try it all again?

And locally...


The below content has been generated by Republican Clubs, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC.

From Republican Veterans Club
Meeting Mon., Dec. 7, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM @ CJ Cannon's. Speaker: Shawn Frost.

From Republican Club of Indian River, Inc.:
Meeting and Christmas Party Mon., Dec. 7, Social at 6 PM, Dinner @ 7PM. NEW LOCATION: Pointe West, 7500 14th Lane, Vero Beach, FL 32966

Joe Saul
Secretary, Indian River County REC


Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee | www.ircgop.com