Help us get a head start on Giving Tuesday
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday: Help make it a big day for farm animals.
Dear John,
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday: a global day of giving and action to make the world a better place. And if just a tiny fraction of that goodwill and generosity goes to Farm Sanctuary, we can change the lives of so many farm animals!
Since you are such an important part of the Farm Sanctuary family, I wanted to ask you to consider making your Giving Tuesday gift early.
Because why wait until tomorrow when you can help farm animals today?
John, please join Farm Sanctuary with your early bird Giving Tuesday gift TODAY so we can put it to work immediately rescuing, sheltering, and protecting farm animals.
When you become a Farm Sanctuary member, you will receive great benefits including a free subscription to our member magazine, opportunities to sign petitions and speak out for farm animals, special alerts with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals, updates on urgent rescues, and more.
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all in extraordinary ways this year. But your caring support has allowed Farm Sanctuary to remain a place of hope and healing for the incredible animals in our care—including Marcia.
Born blind and rejected by her mother, this very special goat would not have survived long in the farming industry. So, when Marcia’s rescuer contacted Farm Sanctuary to ask if we could offer her a forever home, we jumped into action!
As goats are herd animals, Marcia needs constant companionship to thrive. Our shelter staff set out to find her a best friend—and two months after Marcia arrived, we found Maurice.
Marcia and Maurice fell in love the first time they met and have been inseparable ever since. They spend their days roaming their pasture—which Marcia has learned to navigate by heart—and relaxing side by side in the barn.
The life and love that these goats have found together is a gift from friends like you! And your compassionate support today will help us share the gift of Sanctuary with more farm animals who are experiencing abuse and neglect right now.
Your special gift today will help us provide lifelong, individualized care to the nearly 1,000 cows, pigs, sheep, goats, turkeys, chickens, and other farm animals who are living the free and happy lives they deserve at our two shelters. You’ll also help us continue our lifesaving work to end cruel and inhumane practices in slaughterhouses and on factory farms—for good.
Farm Sanctuary believes that every farm animal deserves to live in the peace, freedom, and comfort that our residents are enjoying. And I know you do, too!
That’s why I am asking you to include Farm Sanctuary in your charitable giving this Giving Tuesday.
If you are able, please make an early Giving Tuesday gift to Farm Sanctuary today. You will help provide the funds we need to give more farm animals the love and care they deserve this winter and beyond.
Thank you, in advance, for your generosity today and for continuing to hold space for farm animals in your heart, your mind, and your budget.
Yours for farm animals,
Megan Watkins Chief Executive Officer
P.S. Farm Sanctuary counts on friends like you to be the first line of protection for farm animals. If you see a farm animal in danger or distress, or believe that farm animal cruelty is occurring, please contact us right away at 607-583-2225 ext. 223. Your call can save an animal’s life.
Your generous Giving Tuesday gift can save lives, too! Please help us provide the rescued animals at our shelters with the lifelong care they deserve by joining Farm Sanctuary today.
Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225 Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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