Hi there,
I’m reaching out today to ask for your help –– and tell you about the (very specific) goal we’ve set at Special Olympics: We want to raise $39,499.38 for athletes by midnight tonight.
There are two big reasons I hope you’ll join this goal effort:
$39,499.38 is the exact amount this community raised on Cyber Monday last year, and we need to meet this goal to stay on track to help just as many people with intellectual disabilities (ID) next year.
Thanks to a limited-time match offer, your gift will be DOUBLED to have twice the impact for athletes in need!
This goal is the best opportunity to start your support for athletes in 2021! MATCH your gift now and let’s reach this goal!

Here’s the truth: We don’t just want to reach this goal — we want to smash it! Special Olympics helps millions of people with ID, but there’s still so many people we haven’t reached yet. Every year we need to give even more athletes the opportunity to play, learn new skills, and access health services.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, access to health services has never been more critical. Through our Inclusive Health programs, we help millions of people receive crucial health exams; train thousands of healthcare professionals on how to treat people with ID; and, this year, gave COVID-19 resources and personal protective equipment to athletes, volunteers and coaches.
Your DOUBLED gift today strengthens this work, and helps ensure the health and safety of two times the athletes. That’s powerful: and I know with you by our side, we can reach this goal.
Make a donation before midnight to have your gift DOUBLED!
Let’s do this!
Kelli Seely
Chief Marketing, Communications, and Development Officer