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As the end of 2020 draws near, we look towards 2021 with great anticipation and hope.

It's been terrific to hear from local businesses about how they're expanding and hiring staff on the back of our Government's JobMaker plan and Budget incentives.

Recently, I met with local business owners Alan and Kylie from Richards Steel Fabrication and Ron at Foyer Printing. Both businesses were looking at putting on apprentices due to our wage subsidy.

I have also received a lot of positive and valuable feedback on our Modern Manufacturing Strategy as I meet with businesses around the country.

In Moreton Bay I toured the factory of GA Power Equipment Spares - who manufacture outdoor equipment. While in North Queensland I visited Lixia, whose PUK devices help streamline the process of inspecting and maintaining millions of power poles.

It was also fantastic to be back in Sydney - after a long time away due to COVID-19 restrictions - and to meet with Bruce Jeffreys from Dresden Vision to discuss how their glasses are made from recycled plastics and cheaper than anywhere in the world!

Across town, amazing things are also happening - with ProForm Foods opening a new factory, which will produce around 5,000 tonnes of plant based protein products for Australia and abroad.

Each of these businesses demonstrate what can be achieved when we bring our researchers and industry together. 

Our students and teachers have shown incredible resilience this year - amid a lot of disruptions. It was wonderful to once again be able to visit classrooms.

At All Saints Anglican School I spoke with the senior legal studies students about our Federal Parliament and what it's really like to be a politician.

One of the highlights of the job is being included in community celebrations, such as the opening of the new Senior Block at St Vincent's Primary School in Clear Island Waters.

Robina State School also has a new addition - a bright blue handball court - constructed with help from their $20,000 Local Schools Community Fund grant. 

I also enjoyed speaking with students from a number of local schools, who had taken part in Glowing Greens' Project 2020. The program educates children on reducing our waste and was partly funded through the Federal Government's Communities Environment Program.

Finally, my Christmas Card and 2021 Calendar will begin arriving in local mail boxes in the coming weeks. I would like to thank the more than 350 students who entered the art competition and congratulate those who received a Highly Commended certificate, as well as the grade winners and overall winner.

Take care,

Karen Andrews MP
Federal Member for McPherson

PS - Nominations are now open for my annual McPherson Community Achiever Awards. You can find more information and a nomination form on my website

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Authorised by Karen Andrews MP, 47 Watts Drive, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227