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Scandal has surrounded the private school in recent years and an independent inquiry into child sexual abuse published a highly critical report in August 2018 that said "appalling sexual abuse [was] inflicted over decades on children as young as seven".
An all-girls school could form part of a huge new development set to feature a mosque described as a potential 'tourist attraction', it has been revealed.
The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, has apologised to victims and survivors of abuse inflicted over 50 years in the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales.
In the year to March, almost 1,500 people were considered by the Prevent programme over concerns linked to Islamist extremism, up 6 per cent on the previous year.
The treatment of those facing deportation to countries where they are at risk of FGM exposes a gaping flaw at the heart of policies to tackle gender-based violence, says Sian Norris.
Sudanese authorities have announced they will end child marriage and enforce the country's ban on female genital mutilation (FGM), in a major step forward for the rights of women and girls.
We're looking for a digital communications and engagement officer. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptional communicator with first-rate digital skills. The application deadline is 16 December.
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