Monday, November 30th, 2020

Playbook for World Domination

Brought to you by one minion of the Father of Lies. Ellen Finnigan

The US Election: A Color Revolution Comes Home to Roost

Max Parry

Hungary and Poland Create the Unbridgeable Gap of the Great Reset

Thomas Luongo

Face Masks: If You Announce Your VIP Status to the World, the World Will Accommodate Your VIP Status

Allan Stevo

How My ‘Uneducated’ Father Smashed Evil People

Tom Woods

Why Chesterton Despised Thanksgiving Day

Chuck Chalberg

How the Iranian Nuclear Scientist Was Murdered

With 62 operatives.

Which To Celebrate, Pilgrims or Native Americans?

Francis Menton

‘Like Horse-Mounted Cavalry Against Tanks’

Turkey has perfected a new, deadly way to wage war, using militarized ‘drone swarms’. Scott Ritter

Edward Snowden on Big Tech Companies, Like Facebook, Censoring & Controlling Information

Arjun Walia

Do Buy an Old Car – Better Yet, an Old Truck

Eric Peters

Another Version of History

Taki Theodoracopulos

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