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Thursday, September 19, 2019


Religion & Public Life


Daily Religion Headlines


New from Pew Research Center: U.S. adults generally express positive opinions about the role religious leaders play in their communities, expressing the most confidence in religious leaders’ ability to consistently fulfill the spiritual needs of their communities, and less confidence in their ability to take and admit responsibility for their mistakes, according to a new Pew Research Center report.


U.S. Headlines

New York bishop’s secret list of accused priests leaves him besieged
The New York Times *

Illinois child welfare agency was supposed to review every priest sex abuse referral from the Chicago Archdiocese. That didn’t happen, so now the agency is opening 24 cases it overlooked
Chicago Tribune *

Anti-Semites are using a popular chat app to compile a list of Jewish people
Mother Jones *

Orthodox Jews fear being targets of rising anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitic slur by N.J. lawmaker draws swift backlash
The New York Times *

Deputy mayor in New Jersey describes Islam as ‘a cancer,’ then apologizes for Facebook post

Religious coworking spaces encourage faith, careers
Religion News Service

The U.S. once forced this Native American tribe to move. Now they’re getting their land back
The Washington Post *

Sixty years later, only Frank Lloyd Wright synagogue continues as ‘work of art’
Religion News Service

Pastafarian pastor leads prayer at Alaska government meeting
The Associated Press


International Headlines


Analysis & Commentary


* Some websites may require a paid subscription.


Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank. As a neutral source of data and analysis, Pew Research Center does not take policy positions.