A few people — all men, interestingly — have commented that they believe sex addiction is simply a gender problem. Since nonmonogamous behavior is common in the animal kingdom,why are we surprised when men exhibit the drive to impregnate as many women as possible?
No one can control what type of genitalia children will be born with, so the fascination with said genitalia and all of the preconceived notions surrounding it are just…ugh. Why. WHY.
We’ve missed a lot this year, but it won’t be forever. For now, hang on to those online connections and try to appreciate the family time (allllll the precious family time) and keep the faith that someday the missing will end and we can all hug it out, soak up the sun together at the town carnival, and have a big old feast and toast that we all made it through.
Confession #25802957 I really miss hanging out with other adults. Like in person. Zoom just isn’t doing it for me.
#25801056 "Working from home while the kids do remote learning is impossible. I chose to keep them home because I don't want them to get sick but I am so sick of them right now. I miss uninterrupted thoughts."
#25803913 "We are a 1 car family, and H sees the girls ability to do their dance class over zoom as a reason to stay out and make them miss being there in person. It makes me hate him when it makes them cry."