being pressured to bypass congress
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ALIPAC organized activists,
Joe Biden has vowed to pass 'immigration reform' Amnesty for 20+ million illegal aliens in his first 100 days ([link removed][UNIQID]) in office if he makes it into the White House on Jan 20!
He is also being pressured to bypass congress anduse a TPS (Temporary Protective Status) to give Amnesty, ([link removed][UNIQID]) by Executive Order or DHS, to tens of millions of illegals.
Help us lead the massive public pressure campaign needed to stop this at...
[link removed][UNIQID]
It is clear that Biden & Harris plan to reward their illegal non-citizen voters ([link removed][UNIQID]) and Silicon Valley censors ([link removed][UNIQID]) who made their campaign competitive.
We can't wait until 2021 to begin fomenting and organizing the anti-Biden backlash. We need ALIPAC to lead the way and lay down the groundwork to stop Amnesty 2021.
To do that, we need your help to raise $2,000 by the end of 2020 to fund many things we need to do that we cannot discuss openly as a matter of strategy.
At the time of this email, we are starting our counter at $0 and will update you as the level rises. The faster we raise these funds, the more we can do.
Please take a few moments to make a holiday donation ($10, $25, $50, $100+) to ALIPAC's national efforts against illegal immigration and Amnesty, against Silicon Valley censorship, and against illegal non-citizen voters at our secure online donations link at...
[link removed][UNIQID]
If you prefer to contribute by check or money order, please use our donate by mail form (HERE ([link removed][UNIQID]) ) and send to...
PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622
Please let us know you are ready to help lead the Biden Backlash needed to stop nation-destroying Amnesty 2021 and lead the charge into a red wave to retake Congress in 2022 by chipping in today!
PS: We are asking for your help today because if Biden enters the White House and passes or creates Amnesty for tens of millions of illegals, then Democrats will take full and permanent control of all US national elections and branches of government.
Don't let that happen without a fight! Donate at..
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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622
Thank you for standing with ALIPAC against illegal immigration and illegal immigrants that are costing Americans our jobs, taxpayer resources, communities, elections, and very lives!
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