Dear John,
Two years ago, when my daughter was 5 months old, my parents volunteered to take her for the weekend. I was grateful for the respite, and as I ran through my checklist of all the dos and don’ts, my mother got a strange look on her face. My daughter fell from her arms. My mother collapsed. That day, my mother had a heart attack.
Overnight, I became a family caregiver — sandwiched between two generations of needs. Coordinating doctor’s visits, medication pick-ups, changing diapers while answering phone calls, and emailing nurses... My mother’s values have always been rooted in hope over fear and community not isolation. But as I began my journey as a family caregiver, together began to feel lonely.
At Caring Across Generations, our mission is to change the way that care is valued, to support family caregivers in finding community, and fight for policy that lets us all thrive and live with dignity. Now we’re at a critical moment, in the middle of a pandemic, towards the end of a year that has pushed this country to its limits. Will you support us by making a gift of $25 or more, to help us build the power we need in critical states like California, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota?

As a new family caregiver, with a young baby and mother in recovery, I needed support. But the place where I worked, continued to ask for me to work at full-capacity — vacation days only went but so far. My mother needed support purchasing wheelchairs — Medicare coverage only went but so far. My child’s care bills were piling up — money only went but so far. I was one person… and I could only go but so far.
We put together a patchwork system. Between all of us, we were able to figure out how to plug in holes, set alarms, figure out who would take what shifts. It felt like barely enough, and it didn’t seem fair. We shouldn’t have felt so alone, like this was our personal battle. But still, we made it work.
In February of 2020, right before the pandemic, I came to work for Caring Across Generations, and realized that my story wasn't the only one. Even now, as I write to you I realize, my words probably sound familiar. My story, give or take a detail, may sound just like you or someone you know. I want you to know, we ALL deserve more.
John, are you ready? You know that what we have, the supports for caregivers, just aren’t enough. Are you ready to demand more? Are you ready to create a better world for my mother and daughter? To create a better world for yourself? If you’re ready, join us with a contribution of $25 or more today, to fuel our big work of pushing for policies that will actually support caregivers like me.
A critical part of our work is advocating for policies that encompass the lifespan of needs we have, like paid family and medical leave, long-term services and supports, and childcare! And with a new administration who has prioritized caregiving like never before, we are ramping up our work like never before.
I am asking for two things: That you donate today — whatever you are able. And that you forward this message to everyone you think needs to know they are not alone.
If every person that reads this message, donates $25, we would be able to build the power we need across states like California, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota that can impact generations. With your help, your donation, and your voice, we can be rooted in hope, not fear; community over isolation; and joy.
With Care,
Sade Dozan, Development Director
Caring Across Generations