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Stalin said it's not important who votes, but how they are counted …

Every Republican state legislator should read Patrick Basham’s analysis and demand an oversight committee to review their state’s vote. Basham ...

McLaughlin Poll: TWO-THIRDS of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts
The D-bag/media is losing its power every day ….. We're Americans. Of course we want a fair, honest election.

Newsmax/McLaughlin Poll: Two-Thirds of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts

More than two-thirds of the nation says it is fair for ...

President Trump Attorney DiGenova: Fraud, Deception In Pennsylvania Election Is ‘Truly Staggering’
Watch Joe DiGenova's analysis. This is going to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Attorney DiGenova Says Fraud, Deception In Pa. Election Is ‘Truly Staggering’

By OAN, November 28, 2020:

In an exclusive interview, attorney Joe ...

“RECEIPTS”: Sidney Powell Update On Evidence She’s Collected, Has Checks Stubs Paid To Ballot Harvest
Just incredible. Like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell is fighting vigorously to save the Trump presidency and the country. G-d bless her.

Sounds like Ilhan Omar's illegal voter fraud scam.

Minneapolis police opens investigation into reports ...

President Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Deliveries To Begin Next Week
President Trump has saved …….. the world.

President Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Deliveries To Begin Next Week

By Michael Cantrell, Flag and Cross, November 27, 2020

President Donald Trump stated on Thursday evening that COVID-19 ...

Black Voices for Trump File Election Challenge
The challenge has been filed by the same stealth legal team that filed and won almost all of my free speech lawsuits.

Election Challenge Filed in Michigan Supreme Court!

By: AFLC,  November 28, 2020:

(Lansing, MI – November 27, ...

8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called, Republicans LEAD ALL 8 RACES
In every case in late reporting races, the Republican has won. Bye, Nancy.

8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called. Republicans Lead All 8 Races.

The results from eight U.S. House races have still not been finalized in the 2020 ...

Thouands of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount — Photos and Report from GOP Observer
We've reached a tipping point. The evidence is overwhelming.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County — Photos and Report from GOP Observer

The Wisconsin recount of 2020 election ballots is ...

26 Pennsylvania House Republicans Call for Withdrawing Certification of Presidential Electors
Pennsylvania Trial Court Rules 2020 Election”Unconstitutional”, Gives State Legislators Power to Choose Electors.

PA State Senator Doug Mastriano said he has been working with the leadership in both houses of the state’s General Assembly ...

IMPORTANT CASE: Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Won Groundbreaking Case in October — Gives Campaign Right to Examine Voting Machine Source Code
“It took Jill Stein four years to win this court case.” Divine hand. “Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud.

Latest election news: Presidential Election: The Big Steal

Pennsylvania State Legislature Files ...

Pennsylvania Trial Court Rules 2020 Election “Unconstitutional,” Gives State Legislators Power to Choose Electors


— The Election Wizard (@Wizard_Predicts) November 28, 2020

Lots of moving parts. Patience.

PA State Senator Doug Mastriano said he has been working with the leadership in both houses ...

Rudy Giuliani Discusses Pathway to Supreme Court
Rudy Giuliani Discusses Pathway to Supreme Court

By: Conservative Treehouse, November 27, 2020:

Earlier today Rudy Giuliani appears on One America News to discuss the importance of getting evidence of voter fraud before key state ...

President Trump Calls for Section 230 Repeal as Parler CEO Says Facebook, Twitter ‘Not Neutral Actors’
The public square must be open to all, not merely to wholesale totalitarian propaganda.

Donald Trump Calls for Section 230 Repeal as Parler CEO Says Facebook, Twitter 'Not Neutral Actors

By: Breitbart, November 28, 2020:

President ...

Election Findings Could ‘Easily’ Overturn 3 States, Data Analyst Concludes
Truth-Seeking Americans Have the Moral High Ground

Election Findings Could ‘Easily’ Overturn 3 States, Data Analyst Concludes

WASHINGTON—The former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign says ...

Historic First commercial flight from Dubai lands in Tel Aviv
All made possible by the greatest POTUS of our lifetime: President Donald J. Trump. If President Trump can get a second term, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Kuwait will follow the UAE and Bahrain within a year.

This amazing map shows the ...

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