
My career in public life began over 20 years ago. It all started when I decided to run for City Council in Newark.

I first ran for office because I was frustrated by the challenges facing my community -- issues like gun violence, open-air drug dealing, a lack of jobs, tenants being treated unfairly by their landlords.

I believed that we could take on these tough challenges by bringing people together in common purpose. As I’ve gone on to become the mayor of Newark and now a United States senator, that's exactly how we’ve won the toughest fights. That’s why I’m in this race, and that’s how I believe we’ll win next November. Will you join me?

If you believe our next president should be a uniter instead of a divider, consider donating $5 today to further our vision for a fairer, more inclusive nation.

My entire career, I've run toward big problems and accomplished things that people said were impossible -- and every time, it was through uniting folks around a common purpose to get the job done.

This is a moral moment we find ourselves in, team. At times, the challenges we face seem insurmountable -- whether it’s dealing with the existential threat of climate change, unraveling decades of systemic racism or fighting back against the frightening attacks on our democracy.

But, throughout our history, we only ever realized our full potential when we came together as a people and demanded action. How we move forward as a nation depends on whether we can do that again -- even as we seem to be greatly divided.

We have a president right now who tries to tear us apart every single day. What he doesn’t understand is that the lines that divide us are nowhere near as strong as the ties that bind us. We will prove this once again when we come together and unite from a place of love and defeat his hate.

If you’re ready to replace Donald Trump with a president who will counter hatred with love, please make a donation today. Let’s start healing our country after years of Trump’s bigotry and division.

I dream of a country in which we’re measured by our ability to love and create a fairer, more just nation for everyone. That should be how we judge ourselves -- and that’s the standard I’ll hold myself to every single day if I have the honor of serving as your president.

Together, we will win -- and together, we will rise.

Are you with me?


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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