Dear John,

I know that the holiday season is upon us and you may be busy with holiday planning with your family and friends...

...but I really need your help to launch our Vernon Jones ads throughout Georgia on December 7 (see my previous email below for the details).

Right now, we're still $4,518 short of the $11,625 we need for week one.

We MUST hold on to these two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia.

Please help today.


- John Philip Sousa IV

You're receiving this email because you're committed to defending America against rabid liberals hell-bent on destroying our values. If you're giving up on this critical fight, please UNSUBSCRIBE

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

It's now two weeks after Election Day and the election results for president have yet to be finalized.

Even once all the votes are counted and certified we still have to wait until all the court battles are resolved and all the investigations into reported election fraud have been concluded.

It's reminiscent of the Gore/Bush election in 2000. That one took 35 days after the election to certify Bush the winner.

It's not a surprise. We've known for months there were going to be huge problems with record-breaking quantities of mail-in ballots and inadequate, insecure systems set up to count them. Now all that confusion sewn in pre-election months is turning into the post-election catastrophe we were expecting.


But something happened on November 3, that the Democrats don't want you to know...

Donald Trump won a bigger number of non-white votes than any other Republican candidate since 1960.

According to the Edison Exit Polls, 35% of all voters identify as non-white, and 26% of non-white voters cast their ballots for Donald Trump. And of that percentage, 18% is from black males.

And that is something that you should be very proud of, John. Your support of Stars and Stripes changed the political landscape. Our efforts to bring minority voters back to the party that shares their values and TRULY cares about their and their family's future was successful.

Something else you won't see the liberal media report is that our radio ads helped significantly in Alabama's, Maine's and Iowa's Senate races and possibly secured a win for John James in Michigan (still too close to call).

They also helped in Iowa's and New Mexico's congressional contests. And our ads in California focusing on the Asian vote secured congressional wins for Young Kim and Michelle Steele (both Korean Americans) in Orange County.

While we don't know yet whether Trump will win, our work together helped hold the Republican Majority in the Senate and pick up a couple of House seats that will make Pelosi's life at least slightly more miserable and protect us against a wild swing toward socialism.

And that's really something you should be proud of! Without your help, it wouldn't have happened.

But our work is not over, John...

Georgia and control of the U.S. Senate hangs in the balance

As James Brown's iconic song Georgia on my Mind states:

"The road leads back to you, oh, oh Georgia, Georgia on my mind."

Both of Georgia's Senate contests were too close to declare a winner and are heading to a run-off on January 5, 2021. These unresolved Senate races are the most important "in modern times." Both Senate seats are currently held by Republicans.

If the Democrats take both of these seats, then that would make the 100-seat Senate 50-50. Who holds the control to break any ties? Kamala Harris!

We can't let that happen! I don't need to tell you how important it is that you join in this fight!

Will conservative incumbent Kelly Loeffler beat back liberal Raphael Warnock in January?

Will conservative incumbent David Perdue hold off liberal challenger Jon Ossoff? (You may remember that we helped Karen Handel beat Ossoff in 2017 to hold on to Newt Gingrich's old seat.)

It's up to you...


Stars and Stripes has done our research and targeted the top six stations in minority markets across Georgia to place ads designed to sway their vote over to the Republican and away from the Liberal Democrat.

As you know, Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones who denounced his party earlier this year, joined with Stars and Stripes and recorded ads in favor of President Trump.

Former Georgia Democrat State Representative Vernon Jones

We have reached out to him again to help us win these crucial "all-or-nothing" battles in his home state, where he knows the 'lay of the land' and he knows how to win.

It will cost us $11,625 per week to place our ad on each of these stations once a day from December 7 through January 5 for a total of $46,500.

That's the bare minimum we need.

If we have the funding, our strategy calls for us to go on the air 4x a day on each of these stations the last week before the run-offs for an additional $46,500.

I promise you, we will do what we can and I trust you will help us in this battle as much as you possibly can.

So while we are waiting for the official results of who won the presidency (keep praying) I hope that you will help us win the battle for the Senate by making an emergency donation of $20.20, $32, $45, $90, $202, $450, $900, $2,020 or more today .

We need to reserve and buy the airtime ASAP, and I must book the production studio to record Vernon Jones' ads.

When we can launch, how much we can do, and how long we can stay on the air is in your hands...

Please respond today.

John Philip Sousa IVFor America,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. Together, we stopped socialism dead in its tracks in 2016 and 2018. Let's finish the job!

Progressive Democrats hate Americans and America! We can not let the SEIZE THE SENATE and force their radical socialist agenda on us all. They must be defeated.

I'll be writing you again real soon to update you on the election results that are still pending. Thank you for caring so much about the future of America.