Tell your representatives: Vote YES to the MORE Act
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Fight for: Marijuana Reform
Tell your representatives to vote YES on the MORE Act
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The War on Drugs must end... and this is the first step.

Mass criminalization, biased and violent police practices, and the over-enforcement of drug laws have ripped apart families and communities alike — particularly those of color. It's time we end the oppression, and begin rebuilding and repairing.

On December 3, the House will vote on the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act — the most sweeping piece of marijuana reform ever considered by Congress. Today, we're asking you to tell your representatives to vote YES — to make amends in communities ravaged by unjust drug policies. Will you join us?

The MORE Act goes far beyond simply federally decriminalizing marijuana. It would reunite families by expunging marijuana convictions. Using a federal excise tax on marijuana products, the bill will reinvest in communities the War on Drugs has hurt by providing billions of dollars in revenue for expungement processes, reentry and employment support, and youth resources. This represents a new start for those communities with opportunities to advance careers, education, and quality of life.

We have a long way to go in repairing the damage over-enforcement of drug laws has done... but marijuana reform is a critical and effective first step — one with widespread support that addresses the current criminal and racial justice emergencies America faces today.

So tell your representatives to do the work of the people — to start rebuilding together. Tell them to vote YES on marijuana reform on December 3.

—The Leadership Conference

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