
I’m not going to lie to you: I have been holding my breath for Donald Trump’s entire presidency.

Trump has stoked the flames of white supremacy throughout his presidency and it has affected all Americans— but this rhetoric has been particularly harmful for those of us who are not white. As a Black woman, I feel this impact personally. Hate crimes and violence against Black and Brown citizens have risen sharply in the past years, and white supremacists — whether in the form of the Proud Boys or white vigilante citizens — have only been emboldened by Trump’s hateful vitriol.

Now, with the victory of the Biden-Harris administration, I am finally breathing a sigh of relief. This administration has already identified racial justice as a key part of their transition, and they can take action on day one. After feeling like the White House was against me for so long, this is a huge relief.

John, we still have a fight ahead of us.

White supremacy and systemic racism will not magically disappear on January 20, or even after Biden’s first 100 days in office. We will still have far more work to do. Even if we secure a gun violence prevention majority in the Senate, there are still NRA cronies in Congress, including Massacre Mitch McConnell, who are ready to do the gun industry’s bidding at every turn.

John, we need you with us more than ever. We have a chance to work with an administration that has made racial justice and gun violence a priority and we will continue to chip away at the NRA’s hold on the country— but we can’t do it without your help. We need to show a groundswell of support to ensure progress and push our elected officials to act against racial injustice and gun violence. 

That’s why I’m personally asking you, John: Will you add your name to support Brady’s First 100 Days of Action plan for the Biden-Harris administration so we can make clear that there is an outpouring of public support for immediate action to prevent gun violence and save lives? >>

We need to get to work right away if we have a chance of defeating Mitch McConnell and the NRA once and for all. I am hopeful for the future of our country, but we cannot stop now. Our fight has just begun.

In solidarity,
Kelly Sampson 
Brady Senior Counsel and Director of Racial Justice



840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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