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CHBA BC New Staff
We are pleased to announce that Alex Thompson and Claire Bermingham have joined the team at CHBA BC. Alex Thompson is joining as the Communications and Social Media Coordinator, and Claire Bermingham has taken over as the Office Administrator from Pauline Rupp. Pauline will continue in a new role as the Director, Technical and Building Innovation. For more staff contact information, click here. |
The Summit is back this October 9-11, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Earn up to 22.5 CPD points over three days. Learn more and register here.
LandlordBC, with support from the Province of BC, is conducting a series of educational workshops to engage rental housing providers in their communities. This interactive and in-depth workshop provides landlords with the tools and fundamentals needed for successful tenancies. Topics include: the Residential Tenancy Act, The Human Rights Code, and privacy guidelines. Sign up now for a workshop in your region to learn relevant information about the many important issues that occur before, during and after a tenancy.
The October 21, 2019 federal election serves as a unique opportunity for home builders’ associations and members across Canada to encourage all federal parties and candidates to help #unlockthedoor to homeownership.
The CHBA election toolkit will help everyone in preparation for meetings with local candidates or their staff, attending town halls, all-candidate meetings or via social media.
Advocacy Update
The monthly Advocacy Update is a snapshot of CHBA BC’s government relations activities and relevant ongoing issues. To read the August update, click here.
Water Sustainability Act: We know many members are concerned with the current backlog in the Lower Mainland for section 11 approvals. We have already held meetings with Minister Robinson and Minister Donaldson to discuss this issue and the provincial government has added new resources to process applications during the most recent fisheries window. CHBA BC has requested an update on processing metrics from this summer and next steps for this important issue, including a potential review of the legislation. We will provide this additional update when available. |
BC Real Estate Association
The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that a total of 7,093 residential unit sales were recorded by the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in August, an increase of 4.9 per cent from the same month last year.
Georgie's Corner
The 2020 Call for Entries close on September 30! Enter today at
Join us at the 2020 Gala on March 14, 2020 at the Westin Bayshore. Tickets will be on sale later this year. |
The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) conducted a study of fees across Canada and the United States. The study examined major Canadian cities such as Ottawa, Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary, major U.S. metropolitan areas such as San Francisco, Miami, Boston, New York City, Chicago and Houston, and compared them to various GTA municipalities. Since housing is taxed differently in the various jurisdictions, the study assessed the total tax burden, as well as development incurred charges to enable better comparisons.
Register for all courses at
Business Planning & Management in Kamloops - November 8, 2019. Register by September 28.
Service & Warranty in Nanaimo - November 16, 2019. Register by October 6.
BC Building Code Part 1 in Burnaby - November 22, 2019. Register by October 13.
BC Building Code Part 2 in Burnaby - November 23, 2019. Register by October 13. |
Journal of Commerce
The BC Construction Safety Alliance (BCCSA) has partnered with industry and labour organizations to launch North America’s first certification program for concrete pump operators. The BCCSA worked with the Council of Construction Associations (COCA), Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA), BC Construction Association (BCCA), Concrete BC, Canadian Home Builders Association BC (CHBABC) ,the BC Roadbuilders Association, the BC Stone, Sand and Gravel Association and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 115 to fund research on methods of measurement of pump operator competence as well as piloting test operator examinations.
CBC News
The tax, which targets homes in the most populated areas of B.C. that are not declared as a primary residence, or rented out for at least three months, has been paid by 11,783 property owners, covering 9,386 properties.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8