Weekend Edition, November 28-29, 2020

An Open Letter to My Armenian Family

Daniel Ajamian

The Left’s Final Objective Is Subversion of Western Civilization

Vasko Kohlmayer

There Is Foretelling of a Dark Winter: The Real Plan Is for a Dark Year, Dark Decade, Dark Century

Gary D. Barnett

How Is an American Left Still Possible?

Four Theses by L. Q. Cincinnatus

What Can You Learn About ‘The Green New Deal’ from Thanksgiving?

L. Reichard White

Taxation and Forced Labor

David Gordon

Rebellion Rising: The People Have Had Enough

Jon Rappoport

President Swamp

James Howard Kunstler

Antony Blinken’s Past: Will It Catch Up With Him?

Gilbert Doctorow

Global Inflation Watch

Alasdair Macleod

The Decline of Cultural Understanding

Theodore Dalrymple

Critical Race Theory: A Ruling-Class Ideology

Joanna Williams

LRC Blog

Political Theatre

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