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Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — Disputes Statewide 2020 Election Results
It is indeed happening.

Pennsylvania GOP Legislature Will Seek to Reclaim Power to Appoint Electors: State Senator

It’s Happening: Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS

By: ...

Evidence In Nevada Is “Compelling For Any Court”, Will Show Trump Actually Won The State
Hopefully President Trump will be treated fairly in Nevada.

Historically strange' spike in incomplete Nevada voter files, casinos as ‘home’ Nevada Judge Agrees to Hear Evidence of Alleged Voter Fraud

A judge in Nevada has agreed to a ...

Republican David Valadao Flips Blue House Seat In CA; Third GOP Pick-Up Of Election In State
Every California flip has been blue to red – I wouldn't' be surprised if California went red and the D-bags defrauded the state.

BREAKING: Republican David Valadao Flips Blue House Seat In CA; Third GOP Pick-Up Of Election In State

Eric ...

Urgent Public Hearing with President Donald J. Trump’s Legal Team and Select Members of the Arizona Legislature on the recent elections.
Arizona legislature to hold hearing on election integrity, Trump lawyers to attend

Are you in the area? Register here. Urgent Public Hearing with President Donald J. Trump’s Legal Team and Select Members of the Arizona Legislature on the ...

WATCH Election Think Tank: Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States

“We ran six different analyses, in fact seven in Pennsylvania, and all of them showed problems.” —@MattBraynard@JoshJPhilipp has more on the 2020 #election. ...

Election Battle Heads to Supreme Court As Federal Appeals Court Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit On Pennsylvania’s Voting Election Fraud
As expected.

“The activist judicial machinery in Pennsylvania continues to cover up the allegations of massive fraud. We are very thankful to have had the opportunity to present proof and the facts to the PA state legislature. On to ...

Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ in U.S. Deleted After Publication
Tired of being played yet? Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has 'Relatively No Effect on Deaths' in U.S. Deleted After Publication

By Matt Margolis Nov 27, 2020, PJM:

(Image: Conventional wisdom is that COVID-19 has caused ...

The link to Sidney Powell's election lawsuit was banned by Twitter before the opprssive platform  makes a U-turn saying it was 'mistakenly flagged.'

Sidney Powell on Wednesday night made public two law suits alleging fraud
One challenged ...

Status of Current Electoral Vote Count: President Trump 232 vs. Biden💀 227
The walls are closing in.

Current Actual Election Result Update: President Trump Has 13 Paths to Win 2020 Election — Biden Has Only 10 Paths to Win

Based on actual results and accounting for states currently not called, still counting, ...

Senator Mastriano: PA State Senate “is going to “take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court”
Senator Doug Mastriano to Draft Resolution to Take Back Power over Pennsylvania’s Electors

Election Wizard, November 27, 2020:

BREAKING: While on Steve Bannon’s War Room, state Senator Doug Mastriano announces he will draft a joint ...

Four more Muslim TEENS charged over French teacher’s beheading
How is it children schooled in Islamic texts and teachings understand Islam in this way?

And while some Muslims make limp-wrested condemnation of the Islamic State, where are they teaching against the ideology that gave rise to it?

Right ...

JIHAD BAN: UAE halts new visas to citizens of 13 Muslim-majority states
This mirrors Trump ban of jihad immigration. Wild.

Report: UAE halts new visas to citizens of 13 Muslim-majority states

Document issued by state-owned business mark cites “security concerns.” Official says move has nothing to do with ...

Top Dog of Iran’s Military Nuclear Weapons Program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Assassinated Today
BREAKING: The alleged head of Iran's military nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated Friday near Tehran after his motorcade came under attack with explosives and gun fire.

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) ...

Michigan: Countries/Groups Involved in US Election 2020 Access/Manipulation
“I’m a cyber security professional and this is extremely disconcerting…,”

Clearly, military intelligence/DoD had to be monitoring real-time.

Michigan Filing: Exhibit 105

Countries/Groups Involved in US Election 2020 ...

GOP Poll Watcher Bombshell: 47 USB Cards Missing in Pennsylvania
Criminal D-bags in swing states have destroyed the very foundation of our most basic human right.

Poll Watcher Describes Pennsylvania Election Irregularities, Including 47 Missing USB Card

A Republican poll observer from Pennsylvania’s ...

President Trump Announces Saturday Rally In Georgia: “This Race Is Far From Over”
Keep fighting, Mr. President. The American people have your back. Watch President Trump's statement below.

A must read. Impossible for Biden to have overcome these, and even greater, odds!

— Donald J. Trump ...

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