Dear John,

Take action to protect the Arctic from drilling.

On its way out the door, the Trump Administration is trying to do a big favor for Big Oil, making it a crime for banks to refuse loans to polluters. Take action now to stop it.

Banking regulators at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) want to ban banks from refusing loans and other financial services to oil companies. Banks are getting wise to the climate crisis and have begun refusing to fund drilling in the Arctic, but the Trump Administration is trying to undermine this climate action.

We need activists like you to stand up to the OCC and demand it take the risk of climate change seriously.

Tell the OCC to stop putting Big Oil profits and investors above our environment!

This move is a last-ditch effort to bully banks into giving polluters a lifeline. Trump’s office has seen Wall Street giants like Goldman Sachs refusing to fund drilling in the Arctic -- and it’s set on forcing banks to make risky loans to Big Oil.

Goldman Sachs is not alone. In the last two years, banks like JPMorgan, Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, and Morgan Stanley have changed their lending policies to not fund drilling in the Arctic. 

But if the Trump Administration has its way, the plan to force banks into financing the Big Oil industry could be finalized just days before Joe Biden is sworn in as President. With a deadline of January 4th, we don’t have a lot of time to act. We need your help, John.

It’s not too late. Demand the OCC not force banks to finance polluters!

While oil-backed politicians will claim otherwise, banks do not want to finance drilling. Not only due to the ever-growing climate crisis, but also because drilling is a bad investment.

This proposed rule will strongarm the banks into taking risks that are not good for business, which any savvy financial institution would stay away from.

With all the warning signs of the climate crisis continuing to sound, we need your help to demand the OCC stop trying to force banks into risky investments with Big Oil.

30,000 Signatures still needed. Stop the OCC from intimidating banks and forcing them to finance Big Oil!

Standing with you,
Lukas Ross,
Fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
