Dear John,
As I wrote to you last week, right now is our very best chance this year to slash wasteful spending, using the blueprint provided by our CAGW Prime Cuts report.
But if we are going to push lawmakers to act on our 636 specific cost-cutting recommendations, I need to ask you, if you haven’t already, to make an emergency contribution to CAGW today to help us build a broad-based taxpayer outcry for our proposals.
Under this past summer’s budget deal, Congress must offset newly-approved spending by cutting $77 billion in the appropriations bills for fiscal year 2020, which begins on October 1.
John, CAGW’s Prime Cuts is the single best tool for identifying these cuts. Implementing all of the recommendations in our annual report would save taxpayers $429.8 billion in the first year and $3.1 trillion over five years.
That’s more than enough to pay for the $77 billion offset and then some!
We must get our report in front of key congressional decision-makers and demonstrate in no uncertain terms that it is endorsed by taxpayers like you all across the country.
Your financial support today will allow us to keep rallying opinion leaders, activists, and dedicated fiscal conservatives to demonstrate a groundswell of popular support for our vitally-needed spending cuts.
Your contribution will also help us to continue arming our allies in Congress with the facts, figures, and arguments they need to go up against the big-government, Socialist politicians who will fight tooth-and-nail to preserve their favorite wasteful programs.
John, we only have a little more than a week to get as many as possible of our waste-slashing recommendations incorporated into the 2020 appropriations bills. Please help us seize this opportunity before the new fiscal year begins on October 1 to win as many spending cuts as we can by making your largest possible contribution of $10.00, $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, or more today.
Thomas A. Schatz
P.S. Last year, thanks to the support of CAGW members, the enactment of our Prime Cuts recommendations saved taxpayers $44.7 billion. This year, Congress is required by law to cut at least $77 billion. Please make an emergency contribution today to help us take advantage of this opportunity to win as many as possible of our urgently-needed spending cuts!